Palmer D.
Birthdate: June 1, 2017
Diagnosis: Pulmonary Hypertension
Palmer's Story
Palmer was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension in April 2018 at 10 months old after having several episodes needing CPR, trips to the ER, and misdiagnoses. It all started when he was 7 months old and woke up irritable from a nap and needed a diaper change. During the change, his eyes rolled back, he turned blue and limp, was unresponsive, and stopped breathing.
After 3 months of being seen by every specialist known to man, we finally had a consult with a cardiologist who ordered an echocardiogram. Palmer showed signs of severe Pulmonary Hypertension. He was immediately sent to PICU for 19 days where he was started on several medications, was put on a ventilator, had millions of tests, and his very first heart cath.
We’ve jumped over many hurdles to get to where we are today. Palmer takes 6 medications a day. We see his cardiologist and pulmonologist every 3 months. We recently had a new, non-FDA approved, cardiac device implanted in his heart that will help keep some quality of life and not be so fatigued with exertion.
Today that 10 month old little boy is a thriving 4 year old, He will start kindergarten in the fall. He may not be able to run and keep up with the other kids, but he’s found a love for reading, puzzles, and the friends who want to slow down for him. He is also obsessed with Disney Pixar Cars. :)
We are so blessed that we’ve had 4 amazing years with our “Palmy” as we like to call him. We know Pulmonary Hypertension is progressive, but we try to love every moment and every season we’re given. We thank God everyday for allowing us to be his parents … because he is nothing short of spectacular.

"Thank you guys so much for making this beautiful quilt…it’s even better in person! He was so tickled when he received a package with his name on it, and even more when he saw it had Cars on it!"