Birth Date: October 17, 2018
Diagnosis: ALL
Theme: Whimsical Farm Animals
Due Date: June 1, 2022
Ellie's Story
October 14, 2021, we received the news that our daughter Ellie had Leukemia. It was just a few days before her 3rd birthday. She had some unexplained bruises on her body, and we took Ellie to a local children's hospital for blood work. Just a few hours later Ellie was diagnosed with ALL.
The night of diagnosis Ellie received blood and platelets, as her counts were dangerously low. The next day she was put to sleep and an IV port was placed in her chest. She also had her first bone marrow biopsy and lumbar puncture. Those procedures confirmed High Risk B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
We stayed in the hospital for one week as Ellie’s chemo treatment was started. Ellie made the best she could of her 3rd birthday during her hospital stay. Unfortunately, just one week after getting home Ellie ended up with a blood infection. This put her and I back in the hospital for 18 days. We got out of the hospital a week before Thanksgiving!
Ellie has completed the Induction and Consolidation phases of her treatment. Soon she'll begin Interim maintenance. This includes four hospital stays for very high dose IV chemo. We are afraid but still more ready than ever to continue treatment and fight.
Through all of this our daughter has not stopped playing, running, giggling, and loving life. So much has changed since October 14th but her personality and sass certainly have not!