Birth Date: May 22, 2017
Diagnosis: B-Cell ALL
Theme: Realistic Exotic Birds
Due Date: June 1, 2022
Indie's Story
We first noticed something was wrong when friends came over and instead of playing with them, we found her asleep in her bed. She became lethargic and just wanted to lay on the couch. She would often ask for food but hardly ate anything. When she developed spots (petechiae) all over her body we had a virtual appointment with her pediatricians office. The doctor on call said it must be a virus and to call them back if she developed a fever. 3 days later we called again after she had 3 bloody noses that wouldn't stop bleeding. There was so much blood it started not only coming from her nose, but also her mouth. Thankfully her pediatrician was available that day. She recognized the signs and sent her for bloodwork. That was the day life as we knew it changed.
We were told to go home, pack a bag and leave for the childrens hospital immediately. Don't even take 30 minutes. Don't stop for food. Go NOW. Never could we have imagined our beautiful 3 year old was so sick. Cancer. My 3 year old daughter has cancer. Her vitals were thankfully stable enough that we were able to drive her the 3 hours to the childrens hospital instead of her going in an ambulance. On the way we did our best not to visually show her how scared we were while we numbly made phone calls to let our family and close friends know what was going on. She was diagnosed 2 days later, on 9/22/20, with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, and we spent a month away from home.
I just recently told my daughter that one day she would finish treatment and wouldn't have leukemia anymore. She was so happy! It made me happy to see her smile but also sad that she didn't understand this is temporary. I believe she will get through this and one day it will be a part of her past. We just have to make it to that point. My daughter has cancer. But she is strong, she is beautiful, she is a fighter. And one day, we'll call her a survivor.