Birth Date: June 30, 2019
Diagnosis: B-Cell ALL
Theme: Cute & Colorful Dinosaurs
Due Date: May 1, 2022
Logan's Story
12/6/21 started out like any normal day but quickly became one of the scariest and most uncertain days of our lives. Logan hadn't been feeling well so I took him to urgent care for the 2nd time in 4 days. From there I was told to take him to the ER. We received a diagnosis that will forever change our lives.
Logan was diagnosed with Leukemia.
Logan has a fast growing and aggressive form of leukemia, but the Oncologist thinks it was caught very early and is estimating the cancer had been active for about a month. He started his first blood transfusions that same day. He had a spinal tap, bone marrow extraction, and also received his first round of chemotherapy. That has been followed by an EKG, spinal tap, bone marrow aspiration, central port placed for chemo, chemo through his port and chemo through the spinal tap that was done. I prayed so hard that the spinal tap wouldn't show any signs of cancer in the CNS, but results confirmed a small trace of cancer cells that have spread to the CNS.
The oncology team still feels he has a very great prognosis but we will just be having more spinal taps/ chemo administered through those lumbar punctures and treatment will vary depending on what the additional procedures/ testing show. We are still waiting on results from the bone marrow aspiration and they are running more tests on the spinal fluid collected as well. Treatments are expected to last about 2 years. That can obviously change based on the way his body reacts to the chemo.
Logan has been grouped into "standard risk-High" and will undergo 2 months of consolidation treatments instead of the standard 1 month. During this phase he will go in-patient every two weeks to get a different form of chemo for a minimum of three days at a time. His spinal fluid came back with no cancer cells in his CSF! He just needs 2 more negative spinal taps, and then he will be done with 2 spinal taps a week. He will go on the standard procedure for the spinal taps. So we are headed in the right direction for sure! We are eager to have the next bone marrow extraction at the end of the month to get a better sense of how his body is reacting to the chemo.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups
1. Angela T - CA - Etsy AleXStitchStudio - Dinosaur Set - NA - 5 dinosaurs in a circle
2. Stephanie H - WI - Etsy AnnyFunnyXx - Dinosaur Baby - NA - Seated, turned left, blue w/ red spots
3. Debbie S - AL - Etsy TatyanamStitch - Dinosaur and Flower - NA - Green, running left, w/ flower in teeth
4. Fran G - FL - Karen Kreations 1987 - NA - Bubbles Brontosaurus - NA - Blue, turned left, looking over shoulder at butterfly
5. Sandy S - MO - Color Charts' Dinomites - Bronto - Pg 5 - Purple w/ slingshot, green overalls & hat
6. Carolyn P - MA - Etsy Patternsville - Cute T-Rex - NA - Blue-green, crawling right, pushing toy car, w/ tongue lolling out
7. Kelly P - OH - Etsy Start2Stitch - Carnotaurus - NA - Red, walking right, w/ b'fly on nose
8. Jimmye M - TX - Etsy IrisInLoveDesigns - T-Rex - NA - Yellow, walking right, w/ big smile & thumbs up
9. Brittany H - NV - AnnyFunnyXx - Dinosaur T-Rex - NA - Teal & yellow, walking left, looking right
10. Mary Ann M - MO - Etsy MyLuckyNeedle - Gold Dinosaur - NA - Gold & purple, walking left
11. Rita L - MI - Etsy MyLuckyNeedle - Set of 4 Dinosaurs - NA - #3 green w/ darker green spots, walking left
12. Shanna J - CA - Bucilla #47723 - Dinosaur Baby - NA - Quilt top design, green w/ yellow spots, walking right, looking left