Maddie B. 
Birth Date: June 17, 2010

Diagnosis: Ewings Sarcoma 

Theme: REALISTIC Cats & Dogs

Due Date: April 1, 2022

Maddie's Story

 In mid March of 2021, Maddie fell down a few steps and had left thigh pain and swelling. Two doctor visits later, she was admitted to Children’s Hospital to try to determine the cause. 

She was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma( bone cancer) in her left thigh with lung metastasis on April 1, 2021. She was 10 years old. Maddie has already had 22 weeks of chemo, major surgery to remove 17 cm of her femur and has had 17 cycles (36 weeks) of chemotherapy. In January 2022 Maddie will receive lung radiation. 

Thank you to each and every person who took the time to read this and make this quilt for our girl who is strong and brave ... way beyond her years. Maddie is the sweetest child who is always smiling.