Birth Date: September 4, 2005
Diagnosis: ALL
Theme: REALISTIC Farm Animals & Outdoors
(Favs are Goats)
Due Date: February 1, 2022
Michael's Story
Michael was diagnosed in January 2020 because he hurt his knee, and then had a nose bleed that wouldn't stop. From the time he was diagnosed until now, it has been endless appointments and hospital stays. He was at Riley Hospital for 6 months or so. He ended up with Guillian Barre syndrome, which left him paralyzed temporarily and is now working hard at walking with a walker and towards walking without it.
He had several surgeries on his right arm because of infection, and now has some mobility issues that we get OT for. He has weekly OT/PT appointments. He has JUST made it to maintenance and we are breathing a sigh of relief. He continues to have really bad neuropathic pain that we are trying to manage.
Michael's Make-A-Wish request was to have dairy goats, so that he could one day open his own farm and allow children that are undergoing chemo and other disorders/illnesses to be able to come and sit with the goats and be loved. He is a 4-H member, and a boy scout. He is struggling mightily with all of this, because of COVID. He can't see the scouts and he can't be around other 4-H members.
He does his best and is enrolled at this time in online school. His dream is to become a vet for farm animals or to become an Artificial Insemination specialist for ruminants. He just loves being around his animals and wants others to be able to have some too, and to make sure they are healthy. He took Vet Science in 4-H this past year.

"Thank you to everyone who made Michael's quilt. He loves it. It went right in the wash when we got it and he fell asleep with it. You are all very talented and we are so grateful to you all for this quilt."