Birth Date: December 28, 2004
Diagnosis: ALL
Theme: Skulls & Roses with
Red & Black
Due Date: March 1, 2021
Aidan's Story
Aidan is homeschooled. He was starting his sophomore year when he was diagnosed. He had been helping his Dad with some remodeling around the house we just bought in May, and he was helping me testing out making new recipes for my small cottage bakery that was supposed to open 2 days after he was diagnosed.
Aidan first got sick in July 2020. He was in the PICU and we didn't know if he would make it. None of the doctors could figure out what was causing it. They ended up thinking it was MIS-C. After two weeks in the hospital, Aidan seemed much better and came home. Everything seemed fine until September 16th when he started to get real sick, real fast again. By that night he was back in PICU.
Late the next morning we were given the diagnosis of Leukemia. Within hours they transported Aidan by ambulance to the PICU at St. Jude in Memphis ... 4 hours from our home. The hardest part of treatment for Aidan has been being away from his home, sisters, Dad, dog, and kitten. We have to spend many months here before we can go home.
So far treatment has been multiple forms of high dose chemo and high dose steroids. He has had 3 lumbar punctures and 2 bone marrow biopsies in the last month. With the main chemo drug he had a massive allergic reaction. Luckily the doctors were able to get him into a small trial of a new replacement chemo for kids with severe allergies to the other chemo.
Aidan is amazingly strong and determined to beat this cancer. He never complains, even when he is feeling really bad.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 20 signups
1. Sharon H - UK - Etsy MyBlackBerry - Skull & Roses - NA - 2 skulls, face forward & left, w/ red roses around
2. Pam R - WA - Etsy MuskyMusings - Pink Rose Skull - NA - Face forward w/ pink roses (changing to red)
3. Debbie S - AL - Etsy LeiaPatterns - Sugar Skull - NA - Tattoo-look design on skull w/ red roses on forehead & blue flowers for eyes
4. Carolyn P - MA - Etsy CrossStitchingLovers - Human Skull - NA - Face right w/ red roses on top
5. Joan M - AZ - Etsy GeekeryAndStitchery - Bull Skull & Roses - NA - Bull skull w/ horns & roses around neck
6. Ellen S - NZ - Etsy HMCrossStitch - Roses Skull - NA - Face forward w/ roses surrounding & rose held in teeth
7. Jean B - PA - Etsy ValentinaStitchShop - Skull & Roses - NA - Face forward w/ vertical sword & roses surrounding
8. Carol H - PA - Artists Alley - Sugar Skull on Roses - NA - Tattoo-look design w/ 1 rose on crown & several below chin
9. Janis A - MI - Etsy ValentinaStitchShop - Blue Skull with Roses - NA - Face left w/ rose at each cheek
10. Chris H - MN - Etsy ValentinaStitchShop - Skull with Flowers - NA - Face forward w/ crown of roses
11. Bonnie W - WA - Etsy ValentinaStitchShop - Rose & Skull - NA - Skull on rose stem w/ 1 rose draped over right eye
12. Carol K - NY - Etsy ValentinaStitchShop - Two Skulls with Roses - NA - Front skull face left & back skull face right w/ 3 roses
13. Tara A - TX - Etsy DMCrossStitch - Human Skull - NA - Face left w/ pink roses on top
14. Gina E - IN - Etsy ValentinaStitchShop - Floral Skull - NA - Tatoo-look design w/ all over red & black flowers
15. Gail B - ID - Etsy GeekeryAndStitchery - Skull & Flowers - NA - Skull surrounded by pink roses
16. Steph L - ID - Etsy WhiteRavenPatterns - Anatomy Skull - NA - Skull w/ pink rose wreath around forehead
17. Sandy S - MO - Etsy WhiteRavenPatterns - Skull Rose Floral - NA - Skull on single red rose
18. Jackie B - NC - Etsy CustomCrossStitch - Halloween Skull - NA - Silhouette facing right w/ western hat & bandana
19. Pam E - SC - Etsy ThreadBareDesigns - Skull & Roses - NA - Forward facing w/ 2 roses over left eye
20. Bill P - NC - Stitches of Creation - Skull & Roses - NA - Laughing skull facing right w/ 3 roses below