Birth Date: October 20, 2015
Diagnosis: Pre-B Cell ALL
Theme: Sea Turtles, Dolphins, Crabs, & Princesses Moana & Ariel
Due Date: June 1, 2021
Kalli's Story
Kalli was sent to Johns Hopkins Children's Center after abnormal blood work suggested leukemia. She didn't have symptoms that made us suspect this would be the case. She had a back injury caused by falling into the edge of the couch around the end of April 2020. The injury just didn't seem to be healing, so we went to consult with a spine specialist. That process included an initial x-ray, bloodwork, and a chest x-ray. They determined that Kalli would need further investigation at JHCC. Through repeated blood work at JHCC, suspicions were confirmed by the oncology team that Kalli had Pre-B Cell ALL.
Kalli spent two weeks in the hospital, had low hemoglobin levels, and received two transfusions. Those were successful and brought her red blood cell count to a normal range. She has undergone a cocktail of chemo since June in addition to weekly lumbar punctures. She has worked hard to master taking her medicine, which thankfully can all be done now in pill form. She goes to physical therapy to strengthen her muscles that are weak fromĀ
the chemo.
Kalli has now begun Delayed Intensification. She has remained positive and strong throughout this whirlwind path we have been put on.

"Oh my goodness! Kalli's Sea Turtle quilt is beyond words. It is so beautiful. Kalli said, 'It's the best quilt in the whole world!' I really can't express how wonderful and meaningful this quilt is and will be to Kalli. Thank you 1000 times over."