Birth Date: April 4, 2013
Diagnosis: Leukemia
Theme: Fishing, Hunting & Camping
Frogs, Lizards & Insects
Due Date: May 1, 2021
Regan's Story
Regan turned 7 in April of 2020 He loves all things outdoors: bugs and reptiles, fishing, hunting, shooting BB guns, and camping. He was incredibly active, and almost never sat still. With all the changes that Covid brought to our world, we thought the subtle changes we were seeing in his behavior were the result of the major upheaval in his daily life. He was less active and more sensitive.
Everything changed one morning in May when he had severe weakness in his legs, to the point where they gave out from under him every time he tried to walk. We rushed to the ER. After a whirlwind of tests and possible explanations, he was moved to another hospital by helicopter, where we were told he has cancer. The first month of treatment went by in a blur. He was in the hospital for the entire month. We struggled with managing to keep our jobs, being in the hospital with Regan, and still having our other kids at home. The support that we received from our family, friends, and hometown was INCREDIBLE, and without it we wouldn't have made it through like we did.
Regan is doing so well with his treatment. We have had a few more hosptial stays and a ton of appointments. He handles all of the hurdles he faces with such bravery. He has kept a positive attitude and most days he is active and wild like he was before. He sometimes gets upset and discouraged when he is limited from doing some of his favorite things, but started a huge list of things he wants to do "when he is done with cancer" that grows every day.