Birth Date: May 16, 2014
Diagnosis: Hi-Risk ALL
Theme: Patriotic w/
Red, White & Blue
Due Date: April 1, 2021

Kyler's Story
In late October 2017, 3 year-old Kyler started having low-grade fevers in the evening. Weeks later, he began having leg pains during the night that worsened over a few days. Kyler was diagnosed with B-Cell Ph-like Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on 11/21/17 and began treatment the day after Thanksgiving.
Kyler is now 6 years old. Treatment for Kyler has included a very intense front-line treatment (8 months) and now maintenance. Maintenance consist of oral chemo everyday, IV chemo (Vincristine) monthly, and chemo (Methotrexate) in his spine. Kyler is tentatively scheduled for end of treatment in January of 2021. Kyler missed more than half the school year last year, had multiple count drops, chemo holds, fevers, hospital stays, ER visits, port studies, port replacement surgery and more.
With all the medications that treat leukemia, come terrible side effects. That means taking his chemo isn't the only part of his treatment. Kyler also attends physical therapy, occupational therapy and counseling. Other effects have lead to emotional meltdowns, separation anxiety, generalized anxiety, PTSD, insomnia, defiance, chemo induced neuropathy, foot drop, and more.