Birth Date: September 4, 2017
Diagnosis: ALL
Theme: Motorcycles, 3 & 4-Wheelers, Jeeps, Helicopters & Airplanes
Due Date: March 1, 2021
Bracken's Story
Bracken's story started last year. He first got sick in November 2019 with RSV. Then in December with the flu. Then again in January with a random fever. In February he once again spiked a fever along with some behavior changes so we decided to get blood work done.
A couple of hours later we got a call from his pediatrician that we needed to immediately go to the hospital. He broke the news you never want to hear. Your child has cancer.
Bracken immediately started treatment and is still in frontline treatment right now. We are currently on a chemo hold because his counts are not high enough to continue with treatment. He has one more round of chemo for this phase and then will enter into the next one before maintenance.
Bracken will have treatment until 2023. It's a long journey, but we are so thankful for all the support that's been given and the doctors that we have.

"Bracken is in the chair covered up with his quilt. We absolutely love it. Thank you all so much for what you do for these kids."