Birth Date: December 22, 2017
Diagnosis: Wilms Tumor
Theme: Cute, Colorful Dinosaurs
Due Date: September 1, 2021
Wyatt's Story
Wyatt's pain started on Thursday, March 4th, 2021. First it started with abdominal pain and a low grade fever. We ended up taking him to Starr Regional in Athens on Friday morning around 5 A.M. They said it was just constipation and treated it as such and discharged him. We went home, he fell asleep and slept about 2 hours. He woke up around 1:30 screaming and crying in pain and fever. I made an appointment to see his Pediatrician. She said that it was possibly a stomach bug. She told me to keep an eye on him and, if he got worse, call the emergency pediatric line.
I ended up calling around 1 AM Saturday morning because he was shaking from so much pain. They said to take him to Children's. His fever broke and he went back to sleep, When he woke up again at 9 AM, he was hurting again and had a high fever. We took Wyatt to Children's. They diagnosed him with a 10 cm Wilms Tumor on his right kidney. He had to have his kidney and the tumor removed on March 10th, 2021. On the 11th, he had his port surgery. March 29th was his first treatment of radiation and chemotherapy.

"Wyatt loves his quilt. He loved reading everyone's name on each square and where they are from. Everyone did an amazing job! This beautiful quilt is so special to us! Thank you all so much."