Birth Date: November 21, 2016
Diagnosis: Acute T-Cell ALL
Theme: Cars, Trucks & Airplanes
(Including Police Cars, Fire Engines & Monster Trucks)
Due Date: August 1, 2021
Kellan's Story
On September 13th Kellan couldn't stop throwing up stomach bile. We took him the ER and were told his calcium level was triple what it should be for a 3 year old. They also discovered he was severely dehydrated, had a heart murmur and an enlarged spleen. They ran blood tests and told us we needed to go to UVA in Virginia because he potentially had Leukemia.
September 14th was one of the worst days. The word Leukemia coming out of a doctor's mouth when their child is 3 years old is something no one should hear. The doctor did a bone marrow procedure on September 17th. Kellan started treatment the next day. The doctor said his bones were so packed with leukemia he was surprised he could walk or move. They kept Kellan on a heart monitor for 10 days and through that discovered his heart was fine. They also kept an eye on his spleen. They could feel his spleen because of his dehydration. They kept him on fluids and gave him medicine to help lower his calcium.
Kellan goes every Friday for treatment, and on day 4, 18 and 28 he gets a 2-hour treatment. They will preform another bone marrow procedure at the end of Induction Phase. If his bones are clear he will move into Consolidation Phase and treatments won't be as intensive. The treatment he is on now is an intensive 4 weeks with lots of traveling to UVA. We have the best doctors and they have walked us through every step.

"The quilt was delivered today, and ... oh, my goodness!!! I am in awe of how it looks. Thank you all for doing this for Kellan."