Zara O.
4 Years Old
Diagnosis: B-Cell Lymphoblastic ALL Leukemia
Theme - Princesses
Favorite Colors: Pink and Rainbow
Zara's Journey
My sister wrote this: My beautiful niece and goddaughter Zara was diagnosed with B-Cell Lymphoblastic ALL leukemia. She had started VPK and was making tons of friends and soaking up the curriculum like a sponge. She attends church where she would come home talking about her love for Jesus daily. She had just started ballet and was learning the words to the soundtrack for Rise of Red- a Descendents Movie. Her family noticed bruises showing up on her body and made an appointment for the pediatrician. Her blood results came back abnormal with a hemoglobin of 4. She was rushed to the hospital where her platelet count continued to drop and she was losing time, so she was airlifted to Adventhealth Orlando. She was moments away from hemorrhaging, receiving bags upon bags of blood. Our brave Zara who's always been wise beyond her years and had the sense of humor of Andy Kaufman was diagnosed the next day with the early stages of Leukemia at 4 years old. While currently in ICU she has put on a brave face for her family, despite a big fear of needles.