Axel N.

6 Years Old

Diagnosis:  Congenital Heart Disease and Cerebral Palsy

Theme - Sesame Street

 Favorite Colors:  Any Color

Due Date: April 15, 2025
Axel's Journey

We found out that Axel has heart problems when I was 20 weeks pregnant at the gender scan, we were told that his chances of surviving birth weren’t very good and our time with him could be very short. After he was born he was quickly taken from us and transferred to Nationwide Children’s Hospital where he underwent testing and had his first surgery at just 10 days old. After that first surgery we went home after a few weeks and stayed home for 10 days, then we were quickly rushed back to the hospital for Axel having a staph infection in his new heart conduit that had developed an aneurysm on his heart, which lead to his second heart surgery at just a little over a month old. After his surgery was done Axel was left open chested to heal for about a week, then moved to the regular unit and discharged home after about 2.5 months. A year later Axel would have his third open heart surgery where he was on the ventilator for 52 days and struggled for the next 3 months to recover. Since then he is mostly in the clear but will be needing another 2-3 surgeries in his lifetime.​

Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups

1. Sandra P - MA - Oscar the GrouchOscar the Grouch in Garbage CanSesame Street Designs by Gloria & Pat

2. Dawn O - IL - Cookie Monster Full body Cookie Monster eating cookies Sesame Street designs by Gloria & Pat 

3. Sandy S - MO - Elmo - free pattern from Elmo standing with blocks spelling out his name

4. Julie S - IL - BertSesame Street - Bert - head and torso in frame

5. Beth A - IN - Big Bird (Cross Stitch Quest website) - Full length Big Bird walking to the left and looking out

6. Fran G - FL - Bert ….Gloria &Pat bk 1 - Bert standing and waving

7. Pam R - WA - Grover - Grover walking and waving

8. Cathy M - CO - Sesame Street SignThe Sesame Street sign on the lamp post

9. Carrie H - MO - Elmo Elmo's face

10. Kris P - NC - Ernie from sesame street by Gloria and PatErnie waving

11. Martina C - TX - Janlynn Sesame Street Big Bird Friends Forever Counted Cross Stitch JanlynnHead and shoulders of Big Bird holding a teddy bear

12. Beth D - NC - Abby Cadabby head Abby cadabby sesame street character head