Delta D.
4 Years Old
Diagnosis: Leukemia B-cell
Theme - Girly Things: Butterflies, Unicorns, Princesses, etc.
Favorite Colors: Pink and Purple
Due Date: March 15, 2025
Delta's Journey
Delta stayed sick which led us to finding the leukemia and we were sent to Memphis where the leukemia was diagnosed. We were transferred to St. Jude the same day and the next day she had surgeries to place her port and first round of chemo. In January we found a brain abscess and had to have brain surgery to remove it.
We have also had complications from Calaspargase chemo that has caused very low blood sugar levels and having to wear a continuous glucose monitor and about 2 weeks ago we found it had caused several brain blood clots and we can no longer have that certain chemo anymore from all the complications.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups
1. Sarah - WY - Mandala Unicorn Cross Stitch
2. Sandra H - TN - Snow White with Butterfly on her hand from
Snow White with Butterfly on her hand
3. Becky L - UT - Cute Unicorn
Rainbow Unicorn with bluebird
4. Sandra P - MA - Sleeping Beauty, Leisure Arts Disney Princesses
Sleeping Beauty waist up in pink dress, purple frame
5. Angela T - CA - Cross stitch butterfly
Butterfly outline with flower in the wings
6. Carol H - PA -
unicorn head done in pastel colors
7. Charity L - MN -Princess by Ursula Michael
Crown and the word Princess under it
8. Sarah Y - FL - Butterfly Garland
Circle of butterflies with flowers
9. Nancy F - Spring Heart- Just CrossStitch magazine, Spring 2024 page 8-9 - butterflies & flowers in a heart shape
10. Kaye E - AK - Spring Heart from Just Cross Stitch, Spring 2024 pg 8 - Butterfly and Flowers
11. Jan F - WY - White unicorn with pink hair laying down with eyes closed -
12. Jennifer P - NC - Jasmine