Tanner C
Birth Date: June 30, 2008
Diagnosis: NK cell deficiency
Theme - Beach Related, Surfing, Ocean Life
Favorite Colors: Seafoam Green
Due Date: July 15, 2024
Tanner's Journey
Tanner and his younger sister and brother were all born with a genetic primary immune deficiency, NK cell deficiency. They have a novel genetic variant and we are the only family in the world known to have this defect at this time. They go through so much medically and get IVIG infusions weekly. His brother is on the verge of needing a bone marrow biopsy. This gene is known to cause bone marrow failure but we are the first family they know of with poor NK,T, B, and CTL function that have this gene. His brother has been granted a wish and his sister will be next. It's been very isolating and terrifying and they are such sweet kids. They have been through so incredibly
much. Severe recurrent debilitating difficult to treat infections, hospitalizations, surgeries. IVIG treatments that are lifelong. Their entire bodies are affected. Thank you.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 20 signups
1. Jeanne O - PA - www.climbinggoatdesigns.com - Beach seagull
2. Becky L - UT - LoLaLottaShop
On The Seabed
110 x 100
Deep Sea Fish facing left
(Shop is no longer open, sending photo). 

3. Sandy S - MO - Sports That Count by Gloria & Pat - Surfing - Surfer on board with waves
4. Mary Ann M - MO - HoopModernStictch - Etsy - Modern Sea Life Sea Turtle - Colorful Sea Turtle
5. Laura P - FL - https://www.orencooriginals.net/products/orenco-originals-beach-sealife-nautical-blue-nautilus-shell-counted-cross-stitch-pattern?_pos=2&_sid=710f278c2&_ss=r - Blue Nautilus beach shell, will be done with seafoam green accents in it
6. Ginny H - NY - The OmniBook of Sports Book #810 - Wind Surfing - Man on surf board w/sail w/words 'Blown Away'. Design also has wording 'Wind Surf'.
7. Leigh G - TN - https://www.etsy.com/listing/739047194/jellyfish-counted-cross-stitch-pattern?click_key=25f43dbb10d117a05b557b8dee2dc8fb75e2dc15%3A739047194&click_sum=a428961a&external_collection=&sts=1&dd=1 - Jellyfish - Multiple blue jellyfish silhouette with bubbles and fish inside
8. Rhonda M - AK - https://www.etsy.com/listing/752915801/sea-horse-counted-cross-stitch-pattern?click_key=dbb96b1213eb7a479b4cbd6a2b28010dfa1a8c58%3A752915801&click_sum=4f9c53e1&ref=shop_home_active_17&pro=1&sts=1 - Seahorse in different green shades
9. Timothy Ellis - CA - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1231168269/landscape-cross-stitch-pattern-ocean?click_key=edcc1853c12489c174a22885947318dbdafd895f%3A1231168269&click_sum=df346aa6&ref=user_profile&pro=1&sts=1&dd=1 - Deep Sea Ocean with Sharks and Shipwreck
10. Tammy S - OK - Just Crossstitch Magazine Aug 2024 - Three realistic seashells
11. Sandra P - MA - Wild and Free Stoney Creek - Florida Manatee
12. Fran G - WI - Stoney Creek Collection Sea and Sun - 2 dolphins swimming
13. Carolyn P - MA - Climbing Goat Design - https://www.etsy.com/listing/939555524/surfing-cross-stitch-pattern-gift-for?click_key=a5e3e5c3bce1d5f526524df25bbec720f14edcf2%3A939555524&click_sum=e00e4498&ref=shop_home_active_15&sts=1 Silouhette of a surfer on a wave in a heart
14. Nancy F - IL - Cross-Stitch & Needlework Magazine - A Day at the Beach - The words SUN SEA SAND in bright colors
15. Emily A - OR - https://www.etsy.com/listing/850094862/surfer-on-wave-cross-stitch-pattern-pdf?click_key=1ef4dfaba3602062dc8e52590226d9ff2b73697c%3A850094862&click_sum=2fa1bd72&external_collection=&sts=1&dd=1 Surfer on a blue wave
16. Sandra H - TN - Awesome Pattern Studio - Mandala Dragonfish, Colorful Dragonfish
17. Julie L - PA - By the Sea, Ursula Mixhael - Lobster
18. Dawn O - IL - https://www.etsy.com/listing/518659325/surfer-surfboard-surf-board-wave-and-sun Surfer Surf Board Wave and Sun Silhouette
19. Charity L - MN - Stoney Creek Seaside Fantasy - Sea Turtles Move
20. Kaye E - AR - https://www.etsy.com/listing/731748201/sea-star-cross-stitch-pattern-beach?ref=cart Star Fish