Miles A
Birth Date: August 19, 2016
Diagnosis: Bacterial meningitis leading to stroke, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, unilateral hearing loss, CVI
Theme - Superheroes
Favorite Colors: Red and Gold
Due Date: November 15, 2024
Miles's Journey
Miles was born in August 2016. He was the perfect completion of our family and was immediately adored by mom, dad, his big sister, and his big brother. In December 2016, he had a slight fever and just wasn't himself. We talked to his pediatrician who was not concerned. Four days later he still wasn't feeling well despite a fever that was mild and would come and go, so we took him to the ER to get checked out. The emergency room had no concerns and the doctor left the exam room to write up discharge paperwork. While we were waiting for the paperwork, Miles had a seizure. The seizure did not respond to rescue medications and the doctor let us know at that time that they were going to treat for bacterial meningitis which would be the worst case scenario and then would do multiple tests after treatment was completed. Unfortunately the tests came back positive for bacterial meningitis.
Miles spent the next 56 days in the ICU receiving IV antibiotics. He has suffered multiple areas of brain damage and profundity hearing loss in one ear. He had a VP shunt inserted to help drain excess cerebrospinal fluid from his brain and a g-tube inserted so he could get nutrition without eating as he had lost his ability to suck and swallow. This was a scary hospital stay. It was a full 2.5 weeks before doctors would even confirm that they thought he would survive the trauma.
Miles did survive though and is now the most amazing 7 year old! He still has tons of struggles. He is not able to move his body well. He cannot walk, talk, or eat. I never knew how unimportant those things are though! Miles is truly living HIS best life. It looks very different but is NOT less. He loves therapy. He loves school. He adores his siblings. He loves fart jokes. He is learning to read. He uses an eye gaze device to communicate and a wheelchair for mobility. He is loved unconditionally!
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups
1. Sandra P - MA - DC Comics Super Heroes, Man of Steel
Superman breaking out of chains
2. Billy P - NC - Captain American Shield
3. Pam R - WA - The Flash
Side view of Flash running
4. Rhonda M - AK - Word “BOOM” by Comic Style
5. Sandy S - MO - Free Spiderman pattern from Mauricette
6. Emily - OR - Superhero Logos
7. Gail B - ID - PixelPerfectPatterns Wolverine
Wolverine front view standing behind the word "Wolverine"
8. Steph L - ID - Iron Man by Alice Alan
Side view of Iron Man's head
9. Sandra H - TN - Batman
Batman from
10. Harriet S - NJ - Etsy- xstitchbynic - Iron Man
11. Rita L - MI - Hero - Hulk
Hulk standing with clenched fists
12. Sandra P - MA - Captain American standing with shield