Mayzie D
Birth Date: January 7, 2016
Diagnosis: Bilateral Polymicrogyria, Mild Cerebral Palsy
Theme - Movies or Music (Favorite movies are "Coco" and "Book of Life")
Favorite Colors:Pink and Purple
Due Date: June 15, 2024
Mayzie's Journey
Mayzie was born on January 7, 2016. She was 5 lbs. 8 oz 18in long. She was beautiful and perfect. We were told early on in the pregnancy that something was wrong. Her mother had caught a virus called cytomegalovirus (CMV) and unfortunately it was at a critical stage in the pregnancy so we knew that it was going to affect Mayzie's brain. We weren't sure how serious it was going to be, but when she was born, everything looked normal and she was so beautiful. The doctors told us that we wouldn't know until she was older and started hitting milestones.
We took her home from the hospital and a couple days later Mayzie had difficulty breathing. She was rushed back to the hospital and we began to learn everything that was wrong. They told us that with her diagnosis, she wouldn't walk or talk or eat on her own. We would have to wait to see as she learned. But my little spitfire had a will to live. Mayzie was so eager to learn. We learned that Mayzie's tongue was tied and that's why she was having difficulty drinking her bottle. And she drooled excessively. They did the surgery to fix her tongue and took out the mandibular saliva glands and she was able to move her tongue and drink her formula.
Today Mayzie walks, she started walking at 24 months. Crawling at 18 months. She does have an affected left side due to the mild cerebral palsy but she's walking. She can't eat everything, but she can eat and she loves food. She is nonverbal but she is learning to sign and she's been talking more and we can actually understand what she's saying. She's very smart. She can count and she can read. The kids at school love her and so do the teachers. Mayzie is very outgoing.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups
1. Polly P - OK - Etsy - Coco(Logo)
2. Ginny H - NY - - Movie/Cinema Icons
3. Sharon H - UK - Cross Stitcher Magazine - Alice in Wonderland 2020 SAL
4. Amy H - LA - Animal friends issue of Spring 2020 Cross Stitch Favorites - Flying High
5. Jeanne O - PA - - Music notes heart (smaller design)
6. Nancy F - IL - Just CrossStitch, October 2023 - Wind Chime Melody
7. Sandy S - MO - - Singing in the Rain
8. Gail B - ID - - Coco - When Life Gets Me Down guitar
9. Steph L - ID - - Miguel (Coco)
10. Janis A - MI - - Seize Your Moment - Quote from the Coco Movie
11. Jani P - CT - Riolis/ - Dachshund Blues
12. Ella - NY - 2 jazz players, with musical notes connecting them