Hunter B.
7 Years Old
Diagnosis: B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Theme - Pokemon
Favorite Colors: Red & Rainbow
Due Date: March 15, 2025
Hunter's Journey
When Hunter was 4 we started to notice his energy decreasing and his stomach was starting to increase in size. We took him to the doctor where tests were done and the only thing they saw was that he was backed up with stool so we started doing Miralax 3x a day. We did that for about 3 months and when it wasn't going down or getting better we took him back to the doctor where we ran more tests again. The next day mom got a phone call from the doctor where she stated that a spot was seen on the x-ray which could have been either appendicitis or leukemia and we needed to get him to Children's ER ASAP to do further testing to find out what it was. On October 26th that same night we rushed to the ER and heard the dreaded words of your son has cancer and needed to start chemo right away. At this point my emotions were already crazy because I was 5 months pregnant.
We went through treatments and everything was going good until he had a reaction to Asparaginase and had to go to the PICU for further observation to make sure everything stayed at a good place and he didn't have more of a reaction. In March 2022 we had went grocery shopping on a Sunday. When we got home Hunter was complaining of his big toe hurting so mom looked at it and saw that it was all red. He had no fever and no other symptoms with the toe so I put Neosporin and a bandaid on it seeing as though we had a doctor appointment that next morning. I slept close to Hunter in case anything changed in his symptoms. When we got up in the morning to get ready for his appointment Hunter was very pale and had started to vomit so I called his team to tell them of these symptoms. They said just keep an eye on him and they would see him when we got there. Well after getting off the phone with them a few minutes later he started having diarrhea so I called them back in which this time they said to try and get there as soon as I could.
We started our drive to the hospital where I kept constantly asking him if he was ok even though I could clearly see he was as white as a ghost. As soon as I got him to the 5th floor for his appointment and in his room the nurse came in, took one look at him, then got on the phone to call PICU. Tons of nurses and doctors came in to hook him up on so many things. I had never been so scared in my life and was told that he was gone when we got there. For 2 minutes my life had ended, but then they said he's back so I could take a breath of relief. We were in the PICU for 3 days and then in the HOT (Hematology, Oncology and Transplant) unit for another 3 days all because of a toe infection.
We got back on track and were now going into maintenance. They were talking about him ringing the bell soon which was very exciting, but then June 2023 came and we heard the news that leukemia had been found again and he relapsed so we now started hard chemo again until he got his CAR T-Cell therapy in August. They warned us of all the things that could go wrong, but most kids only had one thing that went wrong for the most part. Well not my son.. he checked off every box of everything that was told could go wrong. He went to the PICU 3 times and stayed in the hospital for close to 3 months. He had silent seizures, neurological issues, issues walking, and had to learn words again. We are now doing good again for the most part, but has high pressure in his spinal fluid so I have to watch him very closely for any vision changes, lots of headaches, or any signs of possible swelling in his brain. We are hoping he will be able to ring the bell by the end of this year or beginning of next year.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups
1. Sarah - WY - Pokéball Terranium Eveelutons Fox in front of Volcano
2. Becky L - UT - Pikachu in cap
Yellow Pikachu in red cap facing forward
3. Sandra P - MA -
Gyarados, red Pokemon dragon
4. Rita L - MI - Squirtle
Turtle with a tail with arms raised
5. Emily - OR - Charmander, Charizard, and Charmelon
3 Pokemon evolution of Charmander
6. Debbie S - AL - Bulbasaur - Pokemon from
Bulbasaur facing forward
7. Laura P - FL - Vileplume Pokemon Pokemon
8. Jennifer P - NC - Ivysaur
9. Mariela R - MA - Pokemon Generation 1 Rainbow
10. Bill P - NC - Swampert -
11. Janis A - MI - Pokemon Ghost Line - 3 purple Pokemon figures (Ghastly, Haunter and Gengar)
12. Leigh G - TN - Pokemon starters - 4 blocks with Pokemon figures