Guinevere M
New York
Birth Date: October 7, 2020
Diagnosis: High Risk B-cell ALL Leukemia
Theme - Florals, Butterflies and Unicorns
Favorite Colors: Blue
Due Date: August 15, 2024
Guinevere's Journey
Guinevere was diagnosed April 24, 2023 with High Risk B-cell ALL Leukemia. She was 2.5 when we started, and has such a big personality. She is being treated at SUNY Upstate Medical University and Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital in Syracuse NY. She has a long road of at least 2 years of treatments ahead of her but she hasn’t let that slow her down or stop her.
Ever since she was a baby people would stop me in the store to tell me how her smile made her day. Now with that same “special something” she has made all her doctors and nurses fall in love with her, along with all the support staff through the clinic and hospital. Some of them go out of their way to see her, or others even track her down to meet her because they have heard so much about her. It is really something to see people light up when they see your child. Guinevere also loves her team just as much. Whenever we have clinic days, we have to go visit the Ped/Onc. Things need to be done, and how afraid and upset she is, she sits so still and lets them do the job. It makes me so proud.
She has been through countless spinal taps, many heavy medications, she has lost her hair 2 times now, she has endured shots in the legs at home given to her by mom. So many stomach aches, back pains and other pains; handfuls of blood and platelet transfusions, ER visits in the middle of the night and week long isolation while inpatient at the hospital. All this along with countless other things kids should never have to go through. Currently Guinevere is on a daily chemo pill and 2-3 other pills nightly.
Through all of this she still has a smile on her face all the time. She is still so silly and full of life. She hasn’t let any of this get her down.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups
1. Sarah Y - FL - Morning Bouquet of Pansies
2. Carolyn P - MA - One side is a butterfly wing and the other wing is made of flowers.
3. Kaye S - OK - CrossStitcher magazine June 2011 - Hearts and Flowers
4. Sandy S - MO - Teach Me To Stitch by LA - Unicorn - Unicorn running in blue sky & clouds, castle in background
5. Stephanie H - WI - Etsy - DureneJCrossStitch Unicorn standing on cloud, head turned to look at bluebird on back
6. Karen B - PA -
7. Rhonda M - AK -
8. Carolyn H - PA - unicorn head done in pastel colors
9. Sandra P - MA - Blue butterfly on yellow daisy with butterfly border
10. Beth A - IN - Stitch Gallery Etsy shop - Unicorn head looking left in pastel colors with stars
11. Sandra H - TN - Colorful Big Butterfly
12. Fran G - FL/MI - Wish It…Stoney Creek….bk 37 - Teddy bear resting on unicorn