Adalynn K.
North Dakota
4 Years Old
Diagnosis: Cystic Fibrosis
Theme - Frozen & Barbie
Favorite Colors: Pink
Due Date: February 15, 2025
Adalynn's Journey
Before Adalynn was born I knew she had a chance of having cystic fibrosis as my first daughter passed away at 6 months from cystic fibrosis! So when I found out I was pregnant, I did a test to let us know if she has this disease as well - which told us she does!
She has been pretty healthy so far, just has caught a few bugs and had some stomach issues. She does her daily treatment twice a day that consists of nebulizer medicines and her vest that shakes the mucous loose. She always takes daily medication and enzymes every time before she eats food but she has always been so good with all of this.
She is a spunky girl who is always smiling and happy. We hope she continues to do good for some time! She is currently on a life changing medication for this disease called Trikafta! She sees her cystic fibrosis team every three months or more as needed! She loves blankets so much so I know this would make her whole day!
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups
1. Debbie S - AL -
Elsa & Anna standing back to back
2. Rhonda M - AK - Elsa with blue background - Elsa with blue background
3. Carol P - MA - Olaf and the snowgies -
4. Carol H - PA - Barbie head silhouette with pink stripes behind it -
5. Sandra P - MA - Frozen Let It Go Sampler -
6. Rita L - MI - Frozen (Elsa)
Elsa's upper torso with snowflakes in background
7. Emily - OR - Sillouhette of Barbie head with heart and Barbie written underneath
8. Barbara W - TX - Barbie - Starburst
Barbie word in white, pink starburst
9. Shelli H - AL - Be the barbie you want to be
Quote in pink letters
10. Julie S - IL - Olaf with blue background - Etsy
Olaf head and torso with blue background
11. Jennifer P - NC - Portrait of Anna
12. Lisa B - NY - Barbie Jeep - Pink jeep with some blue trim