April 23, 2014 to
February 17, 2017
Diagnosis - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Mikael's Story
We received Mikael's diagnosis while I was pregnant. They told us he had Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, and that he would need three heart surgeries. The syndrome is one the the worst heart defects. He has two other defects as well, which makes his case even more complex.
He had the first heart surgery at 3 weeks old. It went well, and we were supposed to go home 5 days post op. Mikael went down hill fast on the day of discharge. He developed a hole in his intestine and had to have emergency surgery. He had a ileostomy bag placed for 6 months. He had his 2nd heart surgery 7 days before his 1st birthday and was in the hospital for a month. The 3rd heart surgery was September 27, 2016. That time he was in the hospital for 3 1/2 weeks.
Mikael had a massive stroke on January 15, 2017. Approximately 85% of the left side of his brain was affected. He had emergency surgery on the 17th. They had to remove half of the left side of his skull to relieve pressure from swelling. Mikael developed a serious blood infection, but with the grace of God and two very strong antibiotics that is gone. He's not out the wood yet. He had a permanent shunt placed to drain excess fluid. Hopefully they will be able to replace his skull soon. I can't wait to be able to hold my baby again. Thank you!