Birth Date - November 20, 2009
Main Diagnosis - Sensory processing disorder, Autism, PTSD, and possible fetal alcohol syndrome
Theme: SUPERHEROES FROM THE JUSTICE LEAGUE : The Green Lantern, Batman (can include Robin WITH Batman -just not Robin only, as Robin is not technically in the Justice League), Hawk Girl, The Flash, Superman, Aquaman ) NO SPIDERMAN. NO NINJA TURTLES. NO WONDER WOMAN.
Due Date: June 1, 2016
Nikolas's Story
Nikolas joined our family when he was 7 months old. He had already had a rough life, even at such a young age.
He is an AMAZING little boy! But, he sometimes has a hard time allowing that amazing little boy to come to the surface. You see, he was diagnosed with autism, sensory processing disorder, and PTSD. There's also a possibility of fetal alcohol syndrome.
Nikolas struggles daily with his emotions. Now that he is 6, and in kindergarten, he is realizing he is different than other kids his age. There are times when he hits his head, and cries, saying that his brain isn't working.
He becomes sensory overloaded, especially when he is tired. His body feels like there are ants crawling all over him. When this happens, he can't handle noise, or crowds, or even strong smells. He then has a very difficult time controlling his emotions. He has tantrums, and begins to hit, or break things in his way.
Nikolas tries very hard, and he is a big people pleaser. He does his very best to make everyone happy! He has great moments, every single day. And through therapies, such as "brush and weight" therapy, we hope to see more frequent "great moments."

" Thank You"
Nik got his quilt today! He LOVES IT!
Thank you so much!!!