^i^ Megan P.
12/25/99 - 2/8/17
Birth Date - December 25, 1999
Main Diagnosis - T-Cell Acute Lympoblastic Leukemia with CNS diease
Megan's Story
Megan was ready to start her 2016 softball season. On Friday March 4th the team took a road trip to Lafayette to play a weekend tournament, but something was just not right with Megan. She just felt bad and she was nauseous. I gave her something and she managed to play 5 games that weekend. The following Sunday she seemed to be okay but rested a lot. In the middle of the she started throwing up and stayed home. She went to school on March 8th because they had a softball game and she was determined to play. Right before they were getting on the bus Megan threw up again and called me to come get her. That made me nervous because Megan never missed a softball game.
I decided to take her to her doctor, thinking she had the flu. The nurse drew blood and then came back to draw more blood. I knew right then something wasn’t right. The doctor told us Megan needed to be directly admitted to our local hospital. We arrived at the hospital and they did additional blood work.
Family and friends gathered at the hospital. About an hour later the doctor asked everyone to leave and said he wanted to talk to just the family. This moment is something I try to forget but never will. He looked at us directly and said the words no parents ever want to hear. He said Megan has Leukemia. I thought there was some mistake. How do you go from playing softball 3 days earlier to a diagnosis of Leukemia now?
Megan was immediately transferred to Ochsner Medical Center, which is about 40 miles from our home. We meet with the Oncologist and he diagnosed Megan with T-Cell Acute Lmypoblastic Leukemia. Because there were blasts in her spinal fluid she was also diagnosed with CNS disease. They immediately started chemo and she remained in the hospital about a week. After she was discharged she began the 1st phase of Chemo, which required her to be at the hospital 3 days a week. After that induction she continued consolidation chemo and had to be there 4 days a week. Because Megan has CNS disease she is required to have a LP with interthical chemo once a week.
Megan has always kept a positive attitude and frankly she is stronger than I am.

Squares stitched by
Maria of Austria and donated by the original Love Quilts group.