Birth Date - September 29, 2007
Main Diagnosis -
ALX4 (rare genetic disorder) and ongoing life threatening medical issues related to this syndrome)
Maisy 's Story
Maisy was born addicted to heroin and cocaine. She immediately needed multiple surgeries to save her life. She lived in the hospital the first six months until she was stable enough to go home to a medical foster home. She had a trach and was on a ventilator to keep her alive. She had a Gtube to feed her and a pacemaker. She was very medically fragile. We adopted her when she was 15 months old. At the age of 5, genetic testing confirmed a finding of ALX4 Chromosomal Syndrome. It is a very, very rare finding. We don’t know what it means for her future but it may explain many of her medical conditions.
Maisy has been through 33 major surgeries already with many more to come. She sees 13 medical specialists on a regular basis. Despite all that she has been through, she always has a smile on her face! She has incredible spunk and a desire to make everyone happy around her. Maisy is a miracle and loves to share her story with everyone she meets. Today, Maisy still has a pacemaker to correct the heart defects she was born with. She has many developmental delays that make school difficult for her. Despite these challenges, she loves to do many things!
Maisy loves to sing and perform for people. She loves to attend church and learn Bible Verses. She loves anything to do with happiness, puppies, sunshine, and hearts. Her future is uncertain, but we know for sure that her spirit is strong. She is an incredible blessing to us.

"Thank You"
"Maisy and our family just returned from camp and she is THRILLED with her special Quilt! She loves it!!! We can not thank each of you enough!"