Birth Date - April 17, 2008
Diagnosis - Hypotonic Cerebral Palsy
THEME: ANY Disney Character – Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, etc., (to include ONE Princess Ariel – no other Disney Princess patterns will be accepted)
Special request for a Doc McStuffins and Sofia the First
Due Date: 1/1/17
Jenna's Story
Jenna was born at 24 weeks gestation. She spent 3 long months in the NICU. Once she came home we noticed that she wasn't meeting her milestones and was having problems holding food down. We had to have a G-tube placed before she was even a year old because she was barely taking in an ounce per 2 hours and was throwing up much of what she was trying to take in.
After we had the tube placed, we found out that she had GERD as well as sensitivity to milk and its proteins. We had to change formulas 3-4 times before we found one she could handle. Once we found the correct medicine to help control that, we were able to get her vomiting better under control.
After about a year of physical therapy and lots of daily work with her, Jenna sat up for the very first time unsupported when she was 18 months old. We are now able to help her walk up our front steps and she is currently working on physical therapy to be able to walk with forearm crutches. Jenna is making progress daily and we are so happy to have the ability to help her grow in all ways.
Jenna has recently started to use 3-5 word sentences and is able to use an iPad to tell us other things that are hard for her to speak due to her PVL (Periventricular Leukomalacia) which basically is that the motor cortex of her brain was starved of oxygen somehow.

"Love Quilts stitchers from all over the country painstakingly and lovingly made this quilt for Jenna. She just loves it! Make sure Lisa knows how much we love her detailed work. It is totally amazing what she did."