Birth Date - March 28, 2000
Diagnosis -
Cystic Fibrosis
THEME: Realistic Horses
(No one colored/silhouette style pattern will be accepted)
Quilt Deadline: 11/1/16
Helene's Story
Helene has been sick since birth, and has lived in and out of hospitals her whole life. Her Cystic Fibrosis was diagnosed when she was two years old. Helene is very sweet, loving, caring young lady. She is originally from Georgia and received care from Children's Hospital Of Atlanta. Now we live in Wisconsin, and she receives care at Children's Hospital Of Wisconsin, Froedtert Hospital, Agnesian Healthcare, Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and Madison Children's Hospital.
Every Monday, Helene goes to hippotherapy and she enjoys it very much. Hippotherapy is physical, occupational, and speech therapy treatment strategies that utilizes equine movement. Hippotherapy literally means "treatment with the help of horse". Helene has been going to hippotherapy for two years now and it has helped her so very much.
With Helene's Cystic Fibrosis, she has to do a vest treatment twice a day, nebulized treatments six times a day, different inhalers throughout the day, accapella therapy, three to four times a day. She has severe obstructed sleep apnea and stops breathing over twenty times, so at night, she sleeps with a BiPAP machine to keep her alive.
Currently we are working with a non-profit organization to try and get Helene a service dog, due to her Cystic Fibrosis, Seizure Disorder, Heart Problems, Mastocytosis, and Complex PTSD. This dog would be a life saver for Helene. A dog that is specifically trained to recognize whenever she starts having a seizure – thus saving her life.

"Thank You"
I received a very special quilt in the mail today. Thank you so very much for my quilt I love it so so very much. I thank everyone who was apart of making my quilt so very special for me. I sat here and admired each horse separately for at least a half hour. This quilt really means a lot to me.