Guidelines for Parents
Thank you for your interest in receiving a quilt from Love Quilts USA for your child. By submitting this form you are agreeing to allow Love Quilts USA to feature your child's picture and basic information on our site. Personal information such as your last name, address, email address, etc. will never be disclosed. Please note, the application form must be submitted by a parent or guardian.
Once the application is received it will be reviewed to determine if the child fits all the requirements to receive a quilt. You will be notified at the email address you provide to us if your child is approved and you will be given an approximate time frame for the quilt to arrive. Please note it can take 1-12 months to get a quilt depending on the child's illness and theme choice.
Although we will try our best to make a quilt for your child, not all children will be accepted. If you wish to be given additional information on our decision, please send an email to and we will do our best to explain.
1. AGE LIMITS 3-18: Do not apply if your child is under 3 or has reached their 18th birthday.
2. Child must live in the United States.
3. Child must be under treatment for a physical illness or condition which is life threatening. If treatment for the condition is finished, a child can still qualify if there are ongoing serious effects from either the condition or the treatment.
4. Child must have an active webpage (such as Facebook or with regular updates on the child's condition. A parent's Facebook may be used if it gives regular info on the child.
If you feel your child meets these guidelines please feel free to fill out the application form.
COMPLETING THE FORM: All information is required unless it does not apply to your family. Please put N/A in the boxes that do not apply. This form must be complete to be considered for a quilt. Leaving any boxes blank will cause the application to not submit properly. Any questions can be emailed to us at
No information will be posted on the Love Quilts USA website with the exception of the first name and last initial of the child, home state, the birth date of the child, the main diagnosis of the illness and the biography. All other info will be kept private and only shared with those that will be finishing and mailing the quilt to your child. If the parent wishes the child's website to be listed on their Love Quilts USA page, permission must be emailed to If no permission is given the website will not be listed.
We understand that your child and family must be your top priority, and that there might be some delays in communicating with us. Having said that, we can not go forward with planning and production of your child's quilt until we have all the information we need from you. Lack of communication can and will lead to the quilt being delayed. Once you submit the application, you should expect ... and watch for ... emails from Please help us make this gift happen for your child. Thank you for understanding.