Birth Date - April 21, 2009
Main Diagnosis - stage 4 non-hodgkins lymphoma cancer (t-cell)
Ella's Story
I was tickling Ella Joy’s leg one morning when I came across a lump the size of a walnut. I asked my husband what he thought it was. He had no clue, so we took her to the pediatrician. He told us numerous times it was most likely nothing, and it wasn’t until we took her to 2 pediatric surgeons that we finally got the okay to get a biopsy. By the time we scheduled the biopsy, all her lymph nodes were enlarged, including those near her neck.
The diagnosis was stage 4 non-Hodgkins lymphoma cancer. Just about every lymph node she had was enlarged, with cancer even in her bone marrow. We took the pathology report, the slide and the block to Luries, and started her on chemo right away. Initially the strongest chemo meds knocked her out, and her quality of life was very poor. Her lymph nodes were not shrinking, and she was allergic to one of the major chemo meds. That meant going in for treatment 7 times more often! She needed numerous blood transfusions. She had so many fevers and visits to the ER, and had to have bone marrow aspirations, and spinal taps while awake!
Throughout all the pokes and procedures, we were so thankful to God for bringing so many friends to us to pray for Ella Joy! She is currently going through active chemotherapy treatment, and we are so thankful for the love we have been shown to encourage Ella Joy.

Squares stitched by
"Cross Stitch Addicts"
Quilted by Tina Rose