Birth Date - November 21, 2005
Main Diagnosis - Shwachman Diamond Syndrome
Elijah's Story
Elijah was born critically ill to a young mom who could not care for his extreme medical needs. He had a blood disorder that was life threatening, supplemental oxygen 24 hours a day and a permanent feeding tube. At 5 months old while still hospitalized, Elijah was diagnosed with Shwachman Diamond Syndrome.
SDS is a life threatening multi-organ genetic syndrome that often requires a bone marrow transplant. Elijah had a successful bone marrow transplant 5 years ago and has continued to face challenges of many kinds. He continues to require a feeding tube and breathing treatments, and has growth issues and immune system problems. He also has autism.
We adopted Elijah when he was 8 months old, and consider ourselves so blessed to have him in our lives. He has such courage, compassion and love to give. Elijah will always have medical struggles and misses a lot of time from school. He is often hospitalized. He is an amazing little boy. Elijah’s life is always hanging in the balance, and that is a tough way to live. We love him so much! We want to give him the BEST life he can have for as long as he lives.

Thank you you so so much for Elijah's quilt. He absolutely loves it! It is so beautiful. We are in awe of all the talented people it took to wrap him in this treasure! Thank you so much!!! Few words can express our appreciation.