Birth Date - January 24, 2012
Main Diagnosis - ALL
Eden's Story
Around Christmas 2014, Eden had swollen lymph nodes on the back of his neck. He was sick at the time with an ear infection and his pediatrician said that was what was causing the swelling. After the ear infection healed, he became sick with an upper respiratory infection. He had his 3rd birthday in January. He was quiet during his party and seemed tired all the time. His sister's birthday was March 11th. At her party he laid on the couch and didn't have any energy. He seemed so pale. He started running a fever so we went back to his pediatrician and he put him on antibiotics for strep throat.
Next he got weird looking puss nodules in the back of his throat. We went back to the doctor again where he was tested for malaria and many other illnesses. All tests were negative. STILL no bloodwork had been done. I kept noticing him having bruises all over his body too … from very small bumps and falls. On Sunday, March 22, 2015, Eden was doing nothing but sleeping … only waking for minutes at a time during the entire day. My baby was fading away.
I took him to his pediatrician the next morning, Monday, March 23, 2015. I demanded blood work. He said he was going to test for "every mother's worst fear" but not to worry because he was sure it wasn't the "c" word. After the blood was drawn they said the results would take quite a while to get back, so we left the hospital and drove towards home. Before we even made it home, my cell phone rang. It was his pediatrician. I pulled over to talk. I knew. I knew exactly what he was going to say. He said, "I'm sorry. We need you to come back to the hospital to meet with an oncologist. We think Eden has leukemia. We're pretty sure actually." My heart dropped in my chest.
Within an hour of arriving back at the hospital, Eden had a transfusion, more blood work and a spinal tap. It was confirmed. Eden had pre-b cell, acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He had surgery to have a mediport placed the next morning and his first dose of chemotherapy was started the same day. On day 29, Eden was considered in remission. The leukemia cells are still in his body, but 99% gone. He still has to have chemo every day until May 2018 to keep the leukemia from relapsing.
Eden has had numerous complications from the chemo … chemical meningitis and white matter brain damage. He has trouble walking on most days, has memory loss sometimes, and is slower to learn. He is now being tested for NF1 genetic mutation (neurofibromitosis), which could be a very scary diagnosis in itself.
He is now 4 years old with a beautiful head of sun-kissed hair and precious blue eyes and a heartwarming smile.