Ethan M.

12 Years Old

Diagnosis:  B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia  

Theme - Sports Cars

 Favorite Colors:  Black and Blue

Due Date: June 15, 2025
Ethan's Journey

September 2021 at the age of 9 Ethan started complaining of leg pain. We thought it was just growing pains, all of our boys are tall. Soon along with the leg pain he got a fever. Something wasn’t right. We went to the doctor. They wanted to test for everything so they took blood. The very next morning we were called and told Ethan was extremely anemic and that his white count was extra high and it looked like cancer. To get to Banner Desert Hospital right away.

This was still during Covid, only one parent could go in with Ethan. So my husband waited in the car during one of the hardest times of our lives. After more blood tests, and X-rays of the legs, we were turned over to oncology. Ethan was diagnosed with B Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia on September 21, 2021. 

Ethan went through over 2 years of treatment, surgery to have a port put in, chemotherapy, bone marrow aspirations, lumbar punctures, tons of needle pokes, hospital stays, and more pills than any little boys should ever have to take. He has come out on the other end, Ethan rang the bell January 2024. He goes every month for count checks and we will always have that fear in the back of our minds. But for right now he is a happy, healthy, 12 year old. 

Unfortunately he has to be more than that, he is a survivor and now a supporter to his older brother who was just recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma on October 9, 2024. (Note: Ethan's brother Austin is one of our February 2025 Love Quilts USA children.)

Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 20 signups

1. Joan M - AZ - Porsche 911Porsche 911 diagonally facing rightFrom Dennis Originals Transportation Classics #3

2. Janis A - MI - Mustang Front Grill of Mustang 

3. Sandy S - MO - Ferrari. -side view of blue Ferrari from Transportation Classic 3 by Dennis Originals

4. Jani P - CT - 1961 Chevrolet Corvette. Red and facing to the right. From Stoney Creek Cars of the '60s

5. Seraphina - OR - Royal Blue Carblue car with border and crown Blue Carblue car with border and crown

6. Kaye S - OK - Red Corvette Stingray facing right with "Corvette Stingray" underneath. Dennis Originals Transportation Classic Book 3

7. Sandra P - MA - 65 Mustang, Stoney Creek Classic AutosBlue '65 Mustang sideview 

8. Cathy M - CO - Z28Red muscle car Camero Z28

9. Carol P - MA - Red sports carRed car facing left

10. Rita L - MI - 1966 Cobra from Classic Cars Book 12 Stoney CreekRed convertible two seater car

11. Sally S - MI - 1958 Corvette from Stoney Creek Cars of the 50’sBlue corvette in front of tree

12. Leigh G - TN - Supercar Cross Stitch PatternBlue Corvette

13. Sarah A - CA - Red Car by DailyCrossStitchRed Car

14. Nancy F - IL -

15. Fran G - FL - 

16. Debbie S - Corvette



