Olivia G
New York

Birth Date: September 12, 2015

Diagnosis: Right aortic arch, with aberrant left subclavian

Theme - Butterflies; the movie "Trolls"
 Favorite Colors: Pink

Due Date: March 15, 2024
Olivia's Journey

Olivia Rose was born in September 2015. A beautiful healthy little girl. She was discharged and went home. Two days later, at her newborn checkup Olivia's oxygen had dropped below 80 and she was immediately rushed to Upstate Children's Hospital in Syracuse. After many hours and tests while in the ER, she was admitted. For the next week of her being hospitalized our lives had changed. After many tests and procedures we were told that Olivia was born with a rare heart condition; she was only 1 in 5% in the world who had it. She had an extra artery wrapped around her airway which restricted her breathing. For the next several months Olivia was followed by a team at Upstate, Cardiology and ENT to watch her closely.

At 17 months Olivia had her first open heart surgery at Upstate. The decision for this came after her being sick multiple times since birth, being hospitalized because of her sickness and having many procedures and tests done. June 2017 was her first open heart surgery; she did amazing! We thought this would be the end of her having to suffer all the time. We were told as she grew her airway would straighten itself out which would help her breath better. Little did we know at 8 years old we are still fighting this battle.

Olivia currently has many restrictions for her age. She cannot be outside if it is below 40 degrees or above 80 degrees; she cannot run around like normal children her age without having to take her inhaler prior to playing or she'll have an asthma attack. She takes a daily nebulizer treatment 2x day and 2 inhalers just to function. And when she's sick everything is double to take. Olivia is currently 1 of 5 in her family of kids. Her siblings are very aware and helpful when it comes to her health and understand if she can't do something neither will they because they don't want her to be left out. We are currently fighting with insurance to be seen out of state so she can finally get the help she needs. You can follow her story on Facebook, the Watertown Daily Times & 7news! Thank you.

Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 20 signups

1. Sue C - Ontario - Cross My Heart Inc Nature's Notebook - tiger swallowtail butterfly on pink flower

2. Polly P - OK - Etsy - Poppy and Branch - Poppy and Branch standing..
 Poppy hugging Branch

3. Martina C - https://www.etsy.com/listing/604010247/butterfly-cross-stitch-pattern-mandala?click_key=86adfa8a868f1d7642ecf003901e7cde9df2f666%3A604010247&click_sum=d1f43133&external_collection=&pro=1&sts=1

4. Ginny H - NY - Imaginating/Gail Bussi Leaflet #2715 - Colorful butterflies, flowers, words "Bloom, Sing, Dance, Be Happy!" in a heart shape 

5. Debra S - Al - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1281847400/troll-poppy-cross-stitch-pattern-movies?click_key=c81c969d0a06222ec48786b70f46cf3cf78cea6e%3A1281847400&click_sum=73597f1f&ref=user_profile&pro=1&sts=1 - Pink Troll Poppy standing with hand on hip.

6.  Carol H - PA - Patterns Online - Brightly Colored Butterfly by StitchX

7. Ruth K - MO - Esty-Troll Doll Cross Stitch - Floral Nostalgia

8. Sandra S - MO -  The Art of Cross stitch by Linda Myers - Goldenrod with Monarchs 

9. Sandra P - MA - https://i.pinimg.com/originals/98/ab/a1/98aba1a87f6802760a5f0de4eadde433.jpg - Troll Cooper

10. Carol P - www.etsy.com/ca/listing/480969910/trolls-cross-stitch-patterns-6-different?ref=shop_home_feat_2&epik=dj0yJnU9UjVMTjc1cW8xWXJWTFFtV081TllYd0NLeWJDZnVxUXQmcD0wJm49ZHBLTGhjRHJFRGxscURkTFZ5dnpBdyZ0PUFBQUFBR1Zxa2hRdn't 6 characters from the Trolls movie.

11.  Sandra H - TN -Nora Corbett Butterfly Misses - Butterfly Fairy 

12. Karen D - WV - Winged flowers by Ellen designs - 2 blue butterflies

13. Jenifer P - NC - https://www.etsy.com/listing/715550369/butterfly-cross-stitch-pattern-easy?ref=mini-cart - Pink & Blue Butterfly

14. Fran G - Troll cheerleader

15. Carrie H - MO - Caterpillar Cross Stitch -9 Colorful Butterflies

16. Debbie S - AL - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1295893925/troll-branch-cross-stitch-pattern-movies?ref=hp_active-mission-recs-rv-1-2 - Troll Branch standing with arms crossed

17. Sarah H - https://www.etsy.com/listing/674883083/cross-stitch-pattern-pink-heart-in?ref=cart

18. Jane S - MO - Trolls trolls and more trolls - Troll with pink hair on roller blades

19. Sandra P - MA - https://www.cyberstitchers.com/free_patterns/search_Butterfly   - Monarch Butterfly

20. Jenifer P - NC - Trolls Movie Logo - Pink