Mary Claire W

Birth Date: June 10, 2018

Diagnosis: B Cell Leukemia (ALL)

Theme - Barbie (First Choice) or Girly Stuff (flowers, butterflies, etc.)

 Favorite Colors:  Pink, Light Purple and Light Blue

Due Date: October 15, 2024
Mary Claire's Journey

Our beautiful Mary Claire was diagnosed with B Cell Leukemia on August 23, 2023, the day that changed our lives forever. It is heartbreaking, and we are still in disbelief. When Mary Claire first started complaining about pain in her hip, we thought it was just a kid being a kid. But as it progressed and continued to get worse, Mary Beth (her mom) knew something wasn't right. After weeks of tests at Children's of Mississippi, we were finally forced to face the reality of a cancer diagnosis. 

This beautiful, wonderful child that has already been through so much in her short life was now facing another major health battle. Five surgeries in just her first 5 years of life and now cancer on top of that. It’s impossible to explain, but we have been so blessed with all of the love and support we’ve gotten from our friends and family since her diagnosis! God, our family, and the care team at Children's of Mississippi have been with us every step of the way!

Please continue to pray for us throughout this journey. Mary Claire has now completed (5) stages of chemotherapy in treatment for her cancer. She just recently started her first cycle of maintenance in early May. We will continue maintenance chemotherapy treatments for another (16) months. Mary Claire has handled everything so well so far. She's had a few symptoms that were worse than others, especially on the steroid pulses. She's also experiencing some symptoms from neuropathy due to the compounding chemotherapy cycles. We've been blessed that most of her symptoms have been manageable through all of these phases and we pray for that to continue!

Please continue to pray that Mary Claire continues to tolerate everything without any major issues in maintenance. Hopefully we will all be able to get back a little closer to normal over the next month! Maintenance has less infusions but much more oral chemo meds that have to be taken at home at a specific time every day for the next 503 days. Some days are as much as 12.5 pills! But we are so appreciative of Mary Claire's care team and all of the great support from the Children's Cancer Center at Children's of Mississippi to help guide us and keep us on track.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups

1. Joan M - AZ - ETSY - Shopolocco - Barbie's Dreamhouse

2. Harriet S  - NJ - Barbie by Alex Stitchens - Barbie spelled out 

3. Carolyn P - MA - Design is from Patterns Online. Designer is Marcia Manning. - Butterfly Kisses - 2 butterflies with hearts and the words Butterfly Kisses

4. Nancy F - IL - Spring Heart From Just CrossStitch Magazine; Spring 2024. 24 - Pastel colored butterflies and flowers in a heart shaped. 

5. Fran G - WI - Pretty as a Posy - Strawberry shortcake holding bouquet of flowers

6. Carol H - PA - 4 Barbie Bundle Set

7. Debbie S - AL - Front view of Barbie Car

8. Janis A - MI - Barbie silhouette with pink striped background

9. Sandra P - MA - Barbie Head Silhouette with the Barbie Logo

10. Polly P - OK - ETSY - Outline of a butterfly filled in with small flowers

11. Jennifer P - NC - Butterfly that has blue and pink

12. Pam-W - Existing Any Child Design - Heart with Butterflies and Flowers.