Kassidy S

Birth Date: March 8,2021

Diagnosis: Acute Myleoid Leukemia

Theme - Fairies and loves animals (puppies and bunnies)

 Favorite Colors:Pink, Yellow and Purple

Due Date: June 15, 2024
Kassidy's Journey

Kassidy was 20 months old in November of 2022 when she and the whole family came down with a cold. She seemed to get it a bit worse than the rest of us. She was having a hard time breathing so I took her to the local E.R that is where they did routine blood work and discovered her white blood cell count was 60,000. 

She was transferred to Detroit Childrens Hospital where she had a bone marrow biopsy that confirmed she had Acute Myleoid Leukemia, the rarest form. From there she had cytogenetic testing that discovered she had a very rare genetic mutation. She was 1 of 2 cases ever discovered. The medical team decided the best treatment for Kassidy was 3 rounds of chemotherapy followed by a bone marrow transplant.

 Each chemotherapy regime required Kassidy to stay in the hospital for 1 month each. Today she is in remission for 1 year!! She goes to clinic once a month for blood work.