Brayden G
Birth Date: 07/04/2019
Diagnosis:Stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma
Theme - Farm animals, tractors and fishing
Due Date: January 15, 2024
Brayden's Journey
Brayden turned 2 on July 23, 2021 - a few days later, we noticed that his left eye was puffy, so we gave him benadryl thinking it was allergies to our new puppy. That didn't help and over the next few weeks, his eye rapidly grew to the point that it looked like it was bulging out of his head. We decided to take him into the children's Healthcare of Atlanta emergency room because clearly something was wrong. They were able to quickly diagnose him with Stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma. He was officially diagnosed on July 23, 2021 and began treatment the next day.
When he was diagnosed, he had a large tumor in his abdomen, a tumor in the left orbit, cancer cells on his left femur and some in his bone marrow. He underwent 4 rounds of induction chemo and then performed an 8 hour
surgery to remove his abdominal tumor along with his left adrenal gland. After he healed, he did another round of chemo, but his body didn't respond very well to the initial rounds of chemo. He had to go through 2 rounds of chemo and immunotherapy and then moved on to 2 stem cell transplants with high dose chemo.
After that he did 12 days of radiation. Starting in September 2022, he started 10 rounds of chemo and immunotherapy to attempt to clear one spot that was left in his orbit on the sphenoid bone. Unfortunately,
that spot is still there as of today, but the doctors do believe that it is dead and will eventually stop lighting up on the scans.
So in April 2023, he began his clinical trial of DFMO with 6 rounds of at home chemo. He has finished the 6 rounds of at home
chemo and still doing the DFMO. He will continue on this medication until 2025. DFMO is for relapse prevention. He has more scans to check on everything after he completed the 6 rounds of chemo. Scans are scheduled for Septemper 27-29, 2023.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups
1. Sandra P - MA - Dennnis Originals Trasportation Classics Book 23 - Blue
2. Kaye E - AR - Break Time by Stoney Creek Leaflet 111 - Green tractor with grass and clouds (part of much larger pattern)
3. Sandy S - MO - Country Folks by Country Cross-Stitch - Hen & Biddies - Hen sitting in an open crate with chicks running around her feet
4. Nancy F - Jeanette Crews Designs #1208 - Oink! - Never Eat More
- A pig's head & front hooves
5. Carol P - MA - - A rooster and hen
6. Ruth K - Artery Cross Stitch - Green tractor with black & yellow tires
7. Kay B - MI -
holy cow - Guernsey
8. Lisa B - NY - - Fishing Lures and Bobbers
9. Sam L - CT - - Bass fish about to take a fishing lure
10. Martina C - - mother sheep with two lambs
11. Sally S -MI - Cross Quick Easy Projects Dec/Jan 1989 - Sampling of Fish
12. Rita L - Fisherman's Prize - Great Big Graphs - Small Mouth Bass