Ashton H

Birth Date: September 2, 2016

Diagnosis: Medulloblastoma 

Theme - Unicorns and/or Rainbows

 Favorite Colors:  Light Pink, Light Blue, Unicorn Colors

Due Date: October 15, 2024
Ashton's Journey

Ashton is our 7-year old, second born of five girls, who is battling Medulloblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer. 

Since the discovery of her tumor in August 2023, Ashton has endured two brain surgeries which left her with posterior fossa syndrome and mental and physical delays. She completed six rounds of radiation (taking her up to the day before Christmas), an ovarian tissue preservation surgery, and is currently undergoing chemo. 

While Ashton's course of treatment may not vary from other kids with brain cancer, what makes Ashton so special is her positivity, persistent happiness, and unwavering strength that keeps her going, never complaining, or letting cancer get her down.  

Even through the pain of brain surgery and all the hardships that come with it like relearning how to use her eyes, extremities, eating, walking, and talking, through losing her hair, throwing up nearly every day, and the daily exhaustion she experiences, Ashton still smiles and giggles all the time and never gets in slumps of feeling bad for herself.

We’ve had to have many raw and honest talks with her about her surgeries, what brain cancer is, what effects of radiation and chemo, the pain she will feel, the long battle she has ahead, about losing her hair, and even that it might be harder for her to have babies one day. 

With her treatments to her brain and spine, she will likely never start puberty on her own, and the chances of her being able to conceive are completely unknown. The only thing we do know is that based on her radiation and chemo regimen, she is in the 95 – 100% range of infertility. As a little girl who has loved babies since she was able to walk, anytime she has ever been asked what she wants to be when she grows up, she says “a mommy,” and I have shed so many tears over this.

She truly is a cancer warrior and the epitome of endurance and perseverance. I am in awe of how she handles every day, every new treatment, and every new symptom. I am in awe that she never complains. I am in awe that many days my sweet daughter is so much stronger than I am. I am in awe that she is the most beautiful girl, inside and out. I am in awe of her loving and generous heart. I am in awe that my little mommy's helper, even through all that she has been through, is still the first one to help me around the house, help with her sisters, and give me the grace I often need while we all weather this storm together.

You see, when Ashton turned 7 in the hospital, after her first brain surgery, we couldn’t throw her a party like most kids would get, but we did the best we could within her hospital room with the help of friends, family, and our community. Despite the pain she was in, being restricted to her bed with tubes and monitors everywhere, and an eye patch on her eye, she still managed to tell us, "this was the best day ever." 

And that is just who Ashton is. She's our hero, our optimist, our grateful, sweet, and amazing sister, and daughter.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups

1. Laura P - Fla - Bloomin' Critters Unicorn, LWS Productions - Blue Unicorn with Flowers

2. Michelle V - Al - unicorn modern design - unicorn profile head with unicorn scene inside

3. Sandy S - MO - The Unicorn Book by Bette Ashley - Baby Unicorn running with pink butterfly in flowers

4. Angela T - CA - Rainbow Mood - Rainbow with flowers on one side and hearts on the other side

5. Charity L - MN - Rainbow Unicorn By Ursula Michael - Unicorn with words as the body

6. Harriet S - NJ - White unicorn with pink mane and pink tail 

7. Sandra H - TN - Cute Unicorn - Durene Jones DJXS2449 - Unicorn with Rainbow Colors & Birdie on Back

8. Leigh G - TN - Rainbow with clouds

9. Karen D - WV - "Flying Colours" designer Lucie Heaton, from an old issue of Cross Stitch Gold magazine - Unicorn jumping over a rainbow; he has a rainbow-colored mane and tail. There are two clouds with words and the child's name in them, but I'll change the wording to stars.

10. Mary Ann M - MO - Climbing Goat Designs Watercolor Unicorn

11. Dawn O - IL - Pink unicorn head w/multi color mane & flowers

12. Sandra P - MA - Rainbow-maned Unicorn on top of Rainbow