Keaghan F
Birth Date: 12/13/2015
Diagnosis: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia T-Cell
Theme - Positive quotes, flowers
Due Date: October 1, 2023
Keaghan's Journey
Keaghan has always been your active happy 6 year old little girl. She loves swimming, playing golf with her daddy, and going on shopping trips to Target with her mommy. Around Thanksgiving time Keaghan developed a dry overnight cough and was not as hungry as she normally is (the girl can eat let me tell ya). On top of that she was coming home super tired and had no energy to play, which is not like her. The final symptom that she developed was complaining that her belly was hurting.
On a Monday I dropped Keaghan's little brother, Karysn off at preschool and decided to swing by the Urgent Care. That is when our lives completely changed. Keaghan was sent from Urgent Care to Chambersburg Hospital where they confirmed our biggest fear.. little Keaghan had Cancer.
She was moved to Hershey's Children's Hospital that night and it was confirmed that she has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia T-Cell (T-ALL). As you can imagine our hearts are shattered.
Hershey Hospital has found a treatment plan for Keaghan and we are extremely hopeful for her future. However, we know we have a long fight ahead of us and many, many hospital visits.
Please continue to send the prayers and keep our family in your thoughts as we begin this new life.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 20 signups
1. Angela T - CA - Bucilla Kit - Flowers Need Rain - Purple tulip and a pink tulip with the saying flowers need little drops of rain each day
2. Carol - AZ - Stoney creek words to live by vol 2 - Love
3. Sandy S - MO - Words To Cherish by Praying Hands - Kindness - Word "Kindness" surrounded by red flowers and words "show -"express -", consider -", "brotherly
4. Ashley R - TN - Etsy - Bloom Where You Are Planted
5. Bonnie W - WA - Hands On Design hd-3 leaflet - Under A Quilt -One who sleeps under a quilt is comforted by love
6. Jani P - CT - Look for Rainbows - A positive quote about rainbow and stars with a large rainbow and stars on it
7. Doreen P - IL - Etsy - SO SHE DID - The quote is She Believed She Could So She Did. Design has two purple flowers also.
8. Sandra P - MA - Stoney Creek Words to Live By Vol. 1 - HUGS - The word HUGS with flowers and inspirational sayings
9. Carolyn P - MA - Etsy - You can change the world girl Surrounded by flowers I will change the black print to a more youthful color.
10. Sandra H - TN - Jewels from the Garden - Leisure Arts by Barbara Baatz Hillman - Flowers with words One is Nearer God's Heart in a Garden
11. Mary Z - CA - Etsy - You're Capable of Amazing Things
12. Ginny H- NY - Stoney Creek Quartly Mag. Winter 2023 - Wonderful Life
13. Bunny Harris - NY - Stoney Creek Collection Spring 2013 - Owl Believe
14. Janis A - MI - Stoney Creek (April 2009) Magazine - Pot of Inspiration - Flower pot with inspirational words
15. Karen D - VA - Etsy - Though She Be Little But She Is Fierce
16. Kim B - Cross Stitch Gold 68 - Summer Sunshine - Sunflowers in blue vase
17. Sharon H -
18. Pam T - Cross Stitcher Dec 2017 - Joy to the World
19. Stephanie H - Etsy - Awesome Myth Narwhal
20. Dawn - Etsy - “Focus on the Good” quote surrounded by flowers