EmmaLynne N
Birth Date: 4/3/2020
Diagnosis: Ataxic CP
Theme - Minnie Mouse
Due Date: October 1, 2023
EmmaLynne's Journey
Emmalynne was born normally but around 6 months we noticed something wasn't right. No one thought we were right until 17 months then we went and did genetic testing and found she has a rare genetic degenerative ataxic disorder. She also has cp a heart defect and asd level 2. She is a happy kids loves her siblings very much.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups
1. Vicki R - CT -Etsy - Minnie with Red Polka Dot Dress and Yellow Shoes
2. Fran G -WI/FL - Minnie mouse - Minnie in blue dress, pink shoes and pink bow
3. Ashley R - TN - Etsy - Minnie in Pink
4. Bonnie W - WA - Leisure Arts Mickey Unlimited Ultimate Cross Stitch Collection - I Love Minnie - Minnie's head, pink polka dot bow, in a blue/red heart, banner . I Love Minnie
5. Rita L - MI - Disney Home Mickey Collection Leisure Arts - Minnie in The Garden - Minnie holding flowers, red bow, white, blue dress w/polka dot skirt, four flowers on ground
6. Sandra H - TN - Minnie Mouse & Bird - Minnie Mouse in Purple Dress, Pink Hat & Shoes with Yellow Birdie Perched on Her Hand
7. Debbie S - AL - Leisure Arts Mickey Unlimited Ultimate Cross Stitch Collection - Minnie in pink and blue dress, daisy on necklace and hat, yellow shoes, holding green purse
8. Kay R - PA - Disney a Punto Croce #93 - Minnie Mouse in pink dress with animal friend
9. Jennifer P - NC - Minnie mouse princess Cinderella
10. Ruth K - MO - Minnie Mouse in pink dress holding a small giraffe
11. Carol H - Baby Minnie sitting on the moon with a teddy bear.
12. Renee M - TN - Etsy - Minnie Mouse