Birth Date: October 14, 2008
Diagnosis: Burkitt's Lymphoma
Theme - Legos
Due Date: March 1,2023
Braxtons 's Story
Braxton began losing the use of his legs the last couple of days in July. On August 1, 2022 he was taken to the local ER to see what was happening. The doctors performed an MRI and found a large mass 14cm on his spine. After much discussion by the doctors they decided to transfer him to a facility more equipped to help him .Braxton's grandmother and I drove him to U of M (Mott's Children's Hospital) in Ann Arbor Michigan that night.
Once we arrived at U of M, they determined he needed emergency surgery as the mass had wound around his spine causing his loss of leg functions. Braxton was diagnosed on August 2, 2022 with Burkitt's Lymphoma (complete diagnosis took 5 more days)
Braxton began treatments of strong steroids and a cocktail of chemotherapy given through his port and injected into his spine. After 3 weeks in the hospital Braxton has been able to come home (8-22-2022). He will be home for 2 weeks and return for another 7 day round of treatments. This process will continue through December 2022.
Braxton is a brave 13 year old who has accepted what is happening to him with grace. His motto to the doctors and nurses is, "do what you need to do".