Birth Date - November 28, 2017
Diagnosis - Congenital Diaphramatic Hernia
Theme: Sesame Street, Muppets
Due Date: December 1, 2022
Logan's Story
Logan was diagnosed at 19 weeks with CDH - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. He had a hole in the left side of his diaphragm that caused is lower organs to rush into his chest. This caused stress on his heart and caused his lungs to be underdeveloped. When Logan was born, he was immediately put on ECMO to allow his heart and lungs time to catch up with the significant changes that had just occurred. He had surgery 30 days later to repair the hole and place all of his organs back where they should be (approximately). The defect caused him to have underdeveloped lungs which, in turn, puts a huge strain on his heart. He is on many medications - for his pulmonary hypertension, cardiac care, and reflux.
Logan continues to recover from this initial congenital birth defect. He has a tracheostomy and a g/j tube. He requires oxygen 24/7 and sometimes requires a ventilator - especially when he gets sick. We live in Buffalo NY, but travel to Philadelphia Children's Hospital in order to have follow ups and care. He is seen on a regular basis to monitor and help move him forward with medications and therapies. He has home nursing 23 hours a day, but he does not let this stop him.
Logan may have had a rough start, but he does not let anything stop him. He loves to play in his splash table, watching cars and trucks, the playground, and carnival rides. He spends his time watching Daniel Tiger, Mickey Mouse and Mary Poppins. He tries to be a typical 4.5 year old boy - climbing on everything and getting the bruises to show for it. He loves car rides and the car wash. We have great hopes for him, as he continually amazes his family and doctors.