Maya K
Birth Date: 11/3/2018
Diagnosis: Leukemia B-ALL
Theme - Unicorns and Rainbows
Due Date: November 1, 2023
Maya's Journey
Maya is 4 years old and was diagnosed with Leukemia B-ALL in February 2022. Her treatment plan is for 2 ½ years.
She required time in ICU last year. She had infections in her body - the worst was in her lungs and they did surgery on one of them. Last November she had a spinal hematoma
after a lumbar puncture which was very painful.
Maya loves to help cook, bake, and prepare salads with her mom. She also enjoys painting, coloring, putting stickers on the wall, and playing with playdough, slime, and clay. Maya also enjoys playing ball outside, biking, and going for lots of walks. Her favorite games are puzzles and Lego games. She also enjoys reading books about animals and unicorns.
Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 12 signups
1. Carolyn P - MA - Etsy -Unicorn head with a rainbow mane
2. Emily A - OR - Etsy - Rainbow Unicorn Head (Face of a unicorn painted on rainbow patches)
3. Jani P - CT - Les petites croix be Lucie. De- Lucie-Unicorn-Face-Cross-Stitch-Pattern/20-2062 - Top half of a unicorn's face with big eyelashes in rainbow colors.
4. Jeanne O - PA - - head of unicorn, made up of flowers
5. Janis A - MI - Color The World With Love (Rainbow Brite) - White magical horse with rainbow tail and mane
6. Ruth K - MO - Climbing Goat Designs - Rainbows - A rainbow with the words Rainbows Are My Favorite Color underneath the rainbow.
7. Carol H - PA - Patterns Online website - Spiraling Rainbow Pinwheel
8. Kaye - OK - Wish it... from Stoney Creek - 2 unicorns with pink/purple manes & flowers
9. Ashley R - TN - - Rainbow Maypole
10. Doreen P - IL - Etsy Climbing Goat Designs - A rainbow with the words Rainbows Are My Favorite Color underneath the rainbow.
11. Polly P - OK - Etsy/the world in stitches - Rainbow heart in a geometric heart design
12. Sandra P - MA - Etsy - Unicorn