Hannah A
North Caroilina

Birth Date: 8/ 24/2013

Diagnosis: AML Leukemia

Theme - Cats/Kittens and/or Butterflies
 Favorite Colors: Pink, Purple, Teal

Due Date: January 15, 2024
Hannah's Journey

Hannah had been experiencing headaches and her stomach hurting off and on for a while. Also, she was saying that her leg hurt. Her complaining became more frequent and then she began to look very pale. We took her to our local pediatrician on August 23rd. He looked at her and immediately said her coloring was off and drew blood work. From her labs, he said they were all abnormal and that we had to rush to Duke Hospital immediately! Once there, they began blood transfusions right away in the Emergency Department. They said we would be admitted that day. We were moved up to the PICU later that day. They told us it was either a virus or cancer. Things progressed from there and over the next couple of days they determined it was cancer and it was leukemia. We were in shock and still are. She celebrated her 10th birthday in the hospital the day after we arrived. She is now about to finish her first cycle of treatment and may be able to come home for a couple of days this Wednesday. She has been in the hospital since that original date of August 23rd. Today is September 25th. She hasn't been outside since then either. I really want her to feel the sunshine and smell the outdoors again and feel a gentle breeze. What a treat that will be! She has between 4 to 6 cycles of treatment to go through and they are saying she should be done in January or February. We hope and pray we will be done by then and that she will be cancer free. 

Below is a list of patterns that have been chosen for this quilt.
Please check this list for duplications before signing up.
Link to sign-up form is at the bottom of the list.
Accepting 20 signups

1. Becky L - UT - https://www.etsy.com/shop/DiStefanoArt - Colorful Cat

2. Nancy S - NJ - More country cats - Two black kittens in a frame

3. Karen B - PA - https://www.etsy.com/listing/949961123/butterfly-and-flowers-cross-stitch?click_key=dd841b516c2c5a4a09e6421638da9d52eda3d6de%3A949961123&click_sum=d8b09efb&ga_search_query=butterfly&ref=shop_items_search_2 - Butterfly and Flowers

4. Sarah Y -   https://www.etsy.com/listing/793098117/butterfly-counted-cross-stitch-pattern - Butterfly

5. Angela T - CA - https://www.etsy.com/listing/466221731/cross-stitch-butterfly-embroidery?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=heart+and+butterfly+cross+stitch&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&sts=1&dd=1&referrer_page_guid=f6dbcf93cd7.f1dcb0a7a39ed3161414.00&organic_search_click=1 - Butterfly (Pretty
 butterfly with pinks purples yellow green orange) 

6. Carol H -  Marcia Manning from Cross Stitch Wonders - Butterfly Kisses - 
I will add some additional hearts around the design to make it bigger.

7. Nancy F - Stoney Creek Cross Stitch Magazine Oct 2007 -Butterflies - Afghan series - A Monarch butterfly

8. Jeanne A - C ross Stitch Cats - orange and white tabby kitten with butterfly 

9. Sandy S - MO - Free pattern found on Pinterest - Kitten looking down at floor (will stitch in Teal)

10. Pam R - WA - Soda Stitch - Henna Cat - Colorful Stylized Cat

11. Pam T - TX - On Graceful Wings - 2butterfies #1 and #9

12. Jeneen F - PA - Lifted Spirit Patterns on Etsy - Black Cat Portrait

13. Kaye E - Dimensions called Butterfly Profusion - 7 very colorful butterflies

14. Tywanna J - NC - Attitudes "The First Litter" by Jeanette Crews Designs - Siamese Cat

15. Ruth K - https://www.etsy.com/shop/SweetAnnet - Mandata Butterfly (19 colors butterfly)

16. Jennifer P -  https://www.crosstitch.com/search?f=but03 - Butterfly in purple blue & pink

17. Emily A - https://www.etsy.com/listing/989798825/butterfly-3-cross-stitch-pattern-pdf - pink and purple butterfly

18. Rita L - The Margaret Sherry Collection - Purr-Plexed - Black and white striped cat looking at a butterfly.

19. Kaye E - AR - The Big Book of Kitty Cats by Good Natured Girls - Cat watching fish bowl

20.  Nancy - Fantasy Butterfly from Butterfly Charted Designs - butterfly primarily with pink and red colors.