Birth Date: August 11, 2015
Diagnosis: T-Cell ALL
Alyanna's Story
Alyanna's only sign of illness was constipation and blood with her stool. I was concerned about the blood, and took her to the ER to see what was going on. The doctor ordered an X-ray and saw that she was backed up.
I made an appointment with her PCP to get a referral to a GI doctor. The GI doctor wanted Alyanna to have blood work done. The next day they called me and told me she was anemic and had a low white blood count. They sent an urgent referral to a Hematologist.
The Hematologist called me and said he wanted to see Aly right away and that he preferred to not talk to me over the phone. I left work, picked up Aly from school, and took her to Children's Hospital. They took blood and sent us to a room to wait for the doctor. He came in and told me she had Leukemia but they didn't know yet exactly which one.
Aly was admitted to the hospital as inpatient. That night they told me she had T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and a swollen liver. The next day she went in for surgery to have a port placed, a bone marrow biopsy and a spinal tap done all together. She was inpatient from October 1st to the 7th.
Alyanna is 5 years old and so strong. She goes to the hospital every Friday to have chemotherapy. I'm blessed to be her mommy.

"I have the quilt! No one was home when it was delivered. I was at work and Aly was at the hospital. I just went to the post office to pick it up. It's perfect! I'm going to give it to her for Christmas."