Birth Date - April 6, 2005
Diagnosis - Tricuspid Atresia
Theme: Whimsical Owls
Due Date: 7/1/17
Rebecca's Story
We found out at our 20-week ultrasound that there was something not right with our fourth child's heart. After more extensive testing, and meeting with cardiologists and surgeons, we were told that our baby, now named Rebecca Lynne, would need a series of three surgeries after she was born. Her diagnosis was Tricuspid Atresia, ASD, VSD, Hypoplastic Right Ventricle, and Coarctation of the Aorta. Three days after she was born, Rebecca was flown to Atlanta. Five days after she was born, she had her first open heart surgery. Rebecca was very small, 4 lbs. 8 oz. at birth, and very sick for a long time. Her chest was unable be be closed for a week and a half after that first surgery. She spent 11 weeks in Atlanta, during which time she had another surgery to place a g-tube. She was readmitted 3 times before she finally had her second heart surgery at 6 months old.
After the second surgery, life became much more "normal". Even though she was slow reaching milestones, she continued to thrive. By the time she was three, she was no longer using the tube to feed, she was walking, and had started a pre-k program. Then it was time for heart surgery #3. This was supposed to be last in a series of "palliative" surgeries, which meant that her heart could never be healed, but that it would be as "fixed" as it could be. Everything went well, and she was home in 5 days.
When Rebecca was in fourth grade, we found out she was going to need an unplanned fourth surgery. She had some overgrown muscle tissue in her heart that was making it have to work harder than it needed to. The technical term for her condition was Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction. That surgery took place in July of 2015. We were very scared and unsure of what the future would hold, but Rebecca came through that surgery like a champ as well and was again home 5 days later.
Rebecca is doing well in school. She loves to spend time with her family and we go on lots of road trips. She has faced so much adversity in her short life, that she really doesn't know that adversity isn't normal. She just continues to laugh through it all and be the hero of our family.

"We received Rebecca's quilt and she is thrilled! It is so perfect for her! It is so humbling that so many people took the time to do something to make her happy. Thank you soooo much!! Thank you again. We love it!!"