Birth Date - April 17, 2000
Diagnosis - Carcinoid Cancer
Theme: Halloween
Due Date: 8/1/17
Angelita's Story
My journey started in August of 2013 at El Paso Children's Hospital when I was diagnosed with Cushing's Syndrome. That is a condition that occurs from exposure to high cortisol levels for a long time. I was airlifted to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston where I was diagnosed with a rare cancer called Carcinoid. The cancer appeared in the form of tumors in my right lung. They scheduled me for surgery called a wedge section to remove the tumors. Before that happened I had to undergo emergency surgery for a perforated ulcer which is a serious complication from the cancer. Six days after that surgery I had the lung surgery.
A few days later we received devastating news that I still had Cushing's Syndrome, and I was transferred to the National Institute of Health. They discovered there were still tumors in my right lung, did a lower lobectomy and lymphectomy. After that surgery I no longer had Cushing's, but a tumor was discovered in a lymph node. For the rest of my life I will always be at risk of the cancer occurring again. I go to the National Institute of Health once a year to be monitored.
In July of 2014 I started having unexplained nausea, vomiting, and reflux. I was diagnosed me with gastroparesis. In January of 2015 I started having unexplained weakness, paralysis, and nervous system problems. The doctors said it was some type of autoimmune disease possibly caused by the cancer. That year I had to get a feeding tube and became TPN dependent. In 2016 I was hospitalized every month due to serious infections, and in September was diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
This journey has been hard on me both physically and mentally, but I will keep on fighting and hold my head high.

"Angelita opened the box with her quilt and she loves it! Thank you very much for sending her a quilt!"