Birth Date - November 12, 2008
Diagnosis - Brain Tumor
Theme: Outdoors -
Trees, Mountains, Lakes, Deer & Bears
Due Date: June 1, 2020
Jaymes' Story
On New Year's Day 2019 Jaymes woke up not being able to feel his body from his neck down. Doctors thought he might have just woken up during REM sleep. In February he had a Grand Mal seizure. They did a CT scan and saw he had a chronic infarction on his brain. Jaymes had had a stroke. He was diagnosed with Epilepsy. Jaymes spent many days in the hospital receiving fluids. Due to the high dose of medicine he needs to take, he becomes severely dehydrated. The medicine destroys the sodium in his body. The dehydration causes more seizures. The medicine also causes exhaustion. He had to miss several school trips because a nurse can't accompany him, and the school is afraid to have him on the bus.
We waited months for an MRI that was finally done on June 5th. The neurosurgeon called the next day and told us to come in the following day. He showed us the scans. Jaymes had a brain tumor and it needed to come out. The concerning issue was it affected his motor cortex on the left side of the brain. Jaymes is a righty. They did a resection of the tumor and he lost the fine motor skills in his right hand. Doctors had to pull out. With determination he was able to regain function of his hand. Removing the entire tumor would need the benefits to outweigh the risks. Jaymes would lose full function of an arm or leg or both.
He goes for many MRIs and tests to see if the tumor has grown. Right now it is low grade (slow growing). If that changes they will restart radiation or have to remove more. Jaymes is a brave, strong 11-year-old boy. He has a big heart. He receives help in school. Because of the tumor he has learning delays. He has been through a tough road but together we have this. Jaymes also wants to make people aware of brain tumor and help other kids.

"Jaymes recieved his quilt the other day in the mail. He was so happy. Hand stitched from caring people. This is absolutely beautiful we are so thankful for this wonderful quilt."