Birth Date - May 31, 2016
Diagnosis - B-Cell ALL
Theme: Christian -
with age-appropriate designs
Due Date: May 1, 2020
McKinley's Story
In November McKinley became very pale. We took her to her primary physician and he drew blood. The doctor said her iron was low. We were sent home with a copy of the blood work results and iron medication. She kept getting more pale and eventually jaundiced looking.
I showed her blood work results to a nurse friend at church. She suggested I take her to a specialist to get a second opinion. McKinley started getting really weak and had no energy. She was sleeping all the time. We took her to the ER at East Tennessee Childrens in Knoxville on Saturday, November 30th. They looked at her previous blood work and knew right away something was wrong,
McKinley was admitted that night, and on December 3rd we found out for sure it was Leukemia. She has been getting chemo every Tuesday. At the end of December they will do more blood work and tests to see if she will be considered to be in remission. If so she will still be having maintenance chemo once a week for quite a while. She won’t be considered “cured” for up to two years with no flare ups.
We are still in the hospital right now ... over 3 weeks. We may get to go home in time for Christmas as long as she is fever free and her counts don’t drop any further. Her hemoglobin is very low and she has no neutrophils which help fight off infections.

"McKinley LOVES her quilt! It's perfect! It made me cry! Thank you so much!!!"