Birth Date - June 24, 2015
Diagnosis - B-Cell ALL
Theme: Fishing & Camping
Due Date: May 1, 2020
Jackson's Story
Jackson was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on July 24th and began chemo on the 25th. Jackson had no history of severe illnesses or anything serious. Over the weekend before diagnosis he started losing color in his face. This led us to the doctor that Monday morning. He had a severely low blood count. We were sent to the ER and then admitted to Charleston Area Medical. Two days later we were told he had leukemia. Shocked is an understatement.
Jackson has had many chemo treatments along with hospital stays since diagnosis. He has struggled most with neutropenia (keeping a good neutrophil count) which allows his body to become ill more easily and if so, needs close monitoring during that time. He has also had trouble keeping a good red blood count and has had to have several blood transfusions during this time.
Jackson has been so strong throughout this. Much stronger than any of us adults would be!! He has a younger brother, James, who is two years old. James has learned quickly that his "bubba" doesn't always feel good, and he will pat Jackson's leg and love on him. These boys are our pride and joy. Seeing them happy and healthy is our goal. Though we have come to a block in the road, we will take the long way around and continue on!

"Thank you sooooo much for this! It is very special and the details are overwhelming! Jackson was very excited when he opened it and even more excited to hear it was his and ONLY his!"